So...how's everyone doing? I hope great! And me? Well, let's just pretend I somehow was unable to get on blogger to post what's been going on these last couple of months. But now I'm back! I'll give you the quick and dirty right here: Matt's back, he's wonderful, we love to cook delicious things together, he'll likely be home for around two years before the next deployment, it's snowed a couple of times, my job starts January 19th (woot!), we'll be in Orlando from the 15th to the 26th, and then in San Francisco from the 26th to the 1st, we've had three overnight trips to different places, been to a few Christmas Markets (Weinachtmaerkte), we threw an early Christmas feast for our friends that are PCSing (moving) soon, a Thanksgiving feast for some of Matt's single friends, and a little surprise that I'm going to share later.
All of this is very interesting, but of course, the bits that require photos are the snow, trips, parties, and the surprise. Alas, somehow the pictures I took of the parties got lost. I have no idea and am in fact quite stumped as to where they could have gone, so at least for these parties you won't get to see the wonderful fun and decorations we had. And since there’s a lot of pictures, and stories to go with all of them, I’m going to split this up into a few posts so you don’t have as much to read all at once, and so I don’t go mad trying to organize a huge post.
Since our little town isn’t as exotic as, say, Cinderella’s castle, I decided to put these pictures first. The town is absolutely gorgeous when it’s all white, and it really feels like a winter wonderland here. The first day of the snow we went on a run (Jonathan, Trent & Nat, you know which one I’m talking about) and just felt like we were in a magical land. Honestly, I thought Mr. Tumnus would come running along any second with his packages and umbrella.
Füssen, Neuschwanstein, etc.
Neuschwanstein has made it onto this blog before when I visited there with Jonathan and some of his friends, so I don't need to explain again the history of the castle. What is more relevant this time is simply that it is situated at the edge of the alps just a few miles from the Austrian border. Since we are likely going to visit this magnificent castle again when Matt's family comes to visit, instead of taking the tour of the castle, we decided to hike some of the mountains behind it.
The place to stay when visiting Neuschwanstein is Füssen, the town just a few minutes away from the castle. We got a great rate for a 4-star hotel called the Hotel Hirsch right in the middle of the town, and across the street from "old town." Füssen is really a beautiful town in and of itself, and had I known that to begin with we might have spent more time there, but we had a plan to go hiking. Since we couldn't really get a good map of the trails online or in Füssen, we decided to just go to the info center at the bottom of the castle and start asking questions.
So we got our camera, food, water, and started walking from Füssen to Hohenschwangau, where Neuschwanstein is located. When we got there and asked someone for a hiking map, they gave us a cartoon map that looked like it was designed to show ski slopes, i.e., absolutely awful for hiking because it's not to scale and doesn't show elevation or distances well. But, with that we were off!